Thursday, October 11, 2007

Orlando Trip #2: Meeting with GKTW and Bob's Space Racers

Today we had our second meeting with GKTW. Jack Mendes from Bob's Space Racers was on hand as well. We presented our new ideas for the Pillow Tree and Rusty's Machine, as well as possibilities on how to combine the two.

In the end we decided to go with the Pillow Tree. A majority of the people liked the feel to it, as well as the story. We did get a lot of feedback though, including making sure it was interactive. We also learned that we can't really use cloth in the creation of the tree, as it can get tattered or dirty really easily, as well as fading. We want to make sure that what we give to GKTW is as good 10 years from now as when we initially hand it off.

Unfortunately it was a short trip this time, but we still had enough time for ice cream! Kathy always makes sure of that! We're back in Pittsburgh for a while now so we can focus on our project without travel fears. It was quite a long week, and we're all tired out. We're a little sick as well. Hopefully we can recover this weekend!

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