Thursday, November 29, 2007

Soft Opening

The last two weeks have been really busy for the GKTW team. We’ve all been working very hard to get ready for Soft Opening, similar to a “preview” in the theater or a “beta release” in software. It basically means that we should have our project complete and ready to go, and the next two weeks should only be spent on testing. Tomorrow we'll be presenting all of the work we did this semester to the faculty.

Fortunately we got a lot done in the last two weeks, so we’re prepared to show off our work! We voice-recorded our show script with two actors – one in English and one in Spanish. We were also able to get our script translated into French, and plan to use it as subtitles. Additionally, we finished up all of our animations for the show, and synced up all of the music and voiceovers. We also spent some time documenting our project so that our clients, manufacturer, and future projects could understand the details and reasonings, as well as properply build the real Pillow Tree installation. While the document is still underway, it’s already 112 pages strong!

Our biggest accomplishment of the week was making the mockup of the tree. We created this prototype so that we could test our DMX as well as our interface. We’ll find out in the next few weeks what changes will need to be made – if any.

We’ll be posting pictures of our tree prototype soon, so be sure to come back and visit our blog soon!

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