Friday, December 14, 2007

The End of the Semester

We all can't believe the semester has finally ended! It's been a very fun and rewarding semester, and we'll be sad to go. After this semester, the team will be separating, with some of us ending up on the opposite coasts (Orlando and Los Angeles). Nevertheless, we really enjoyed working on the project, and appreciate that this opportunity was given to us. We worked hard, played hard, and learned a lot!

We also received a lot of help and feedback from many people and would like to thank:
  • Give Kids the World Village for the opportunity, espeically Kathy Aubruner, Jeff Staples and and the entire Give Kids the World;
  • Bob's Space Racers, especially Jack Mendez
  • All of the faculty, staff, and students at the ETC, especially Brenda Harger for being our faculty advisor
  • John Dessler for his flash help
  • Oscar Ramirez, Edmundo Ruiz, Julie Charles, and Bob Haley for the voice acting and translations
  • MaryCatherine Dieterle, Rebecca Lombardi, and the Carnegie Libraries project for bringing us children for testing
  • All of our user testers for their helpful feedback
We're going to end this blog with a poem that was given to us by the Give Kids the World village staff. They were words that really moved us, and hope that others can find encouragement within these inspirational words.

What Matters

One hundred years from now,
It will not matter
What kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much money I had in my bank account,
Nor what my clothes looked like.
But the world may be a better
Because I was important
in the life of a child.

"Follow your heart... It knows the way" - Motto of the Give Kids the World: Sweet Dreams team

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